
Powered by nature, empowered by AI - our WildInt(TM) platform makes it possible to access the remarkable solutions nature created to maintain homeostasis and fight disease as starting points for drug development, and to refine their pharmacology using AI and computational modeling.

Wild Miniproteins

With the specificity and potency of biologics and the cost and ease of administration of small-molecules - wild miniproteins are the ideal modality for numerous unmet needs, including local targeting of gut tissue. With intrinsic stability and bi-specificty, we are dedicated to harnessing the full potential of these extraordinary miniproteins, propelling them into the forefront of the next generation therapeutics. We created an array of tens of millions of novel structural scaffolds, a catalog which serves as a captivating foundation for an extensive library of drug-like miniproteins. Visit Wild database & catalog section.


By combining vast interaction data from our proprietary datasets with structural modeling, we build unique evolution-based bioactivity maps of the therapeutic targets we pursue. This technology facilitates rapid discovery by elucidating favorable targeting sites, making in-silico far more reliable.

Generative iterative design

We leverage cutting-edge AI technology to elevate nature's molecular concepts to unprecedented levels. Through the ingenious application of generative AI techniques, we continuously learn and enhance nature's initial solutions, effectively addressing the intricate challenge of optimizing pharmacology across multiple dimensions. Our revolutionary approach extends to various use cases, encompassing oral administration and bi-specificity, making a profound impact in the field of pharmaceutical advancements.


By predicting and testing billions of links between the Wild miniproteins and human therapeutic targets and incorporating cutting-edge structural information and sequence representation techniques from large protein language models, Wildscape unlocks an unprecedented breadth of novel connections for drug discovery.

Wildscape offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore disease-centric maps and to delve into disease-relevant pathways, both single or combinations of targets, while exploring the extensive repertoire of therapeutic chemical space available in the Wild catalog. This comprehensive approach to drug discovery represents a groundbreaking paradigm shift in the realms of target and scaffold exploration.